Saturday 19 August 2017

Red Markets Gear List

Having a full time job that I'm desperately trying to distract myself from, making a pictorial version of the Red Markets Gear List seemed like a great idea. After sharing the first draft with Red Market's creator, Caleb Stokes, he was generous enough to share the official Red Markets item art with me for this. That alone made it much nicer, so a massive Thank you to Caleb.

All of the required information should be included, with each page designed to be fairly self contained. The core gear list has been broken down into seven pages:
  • Melee Weapons
  • Ranged Weapons
  • Explosive Gear
  • Armor and Apparel
  • Drugs and Healthcare
  • Technology and Pets
  • Miscellaneous Items (Everything else)
Each page includes the descriptions for relevant qualities and upgrades and the charge count for each item.

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